In addition to the Mahan ListServ ( for email based discussions we also provide a Forum-based discussion area.
To subscribe to the traditional ListServ please select the “Subscribe” menu option above and fill out the form to have your email added to the list.
To participate in the Forum select the Forum menu option above and register to create an account. Guest are allowed to read the discussions but to participate you will need to register and login to your account.
We will be working to post the old email discussion threads to the content of this site so that the search function will enable those old messages to be researched.
New Messages sent to the list will be sent to the site so that they too can be included in the search function.
To browse through the messages sent to the List you can click on the Category links on the menu to the left.
There are two methods to search through the data on this site. The first is to use the simplified search tool in the sidebar on the left. You can also use select the more Advanced Search function from the menu above. It may take 24 hours before messages added to the archive are searchable in the database.